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Read. Shop. Buy smart.

This month CR tells us “How to Stay Healthy Longer.”  Today’s life expectancy is 26 years longer than it was in the 1950s. While that is great news, we need to learn how to enjoy good health during that extended time.  Start by finding out what to expect as you age, and get smart about how to recognize trouble.  Don’t stop there!  Learn how to address some age-related changes and possibly prevent them.   CR also eplains which tests and screenings provide a better picture of your physical condition and can help identify a developing health issue.  Don’t worry if you aren’t in the best of shape right now; CR shows some changes to get healthy and and stay that way.

“Which Milk Should You Drink”  provides a detailed review of various milk products.  Research shows that just one cup of milk each day provides many vital nutrients with surprisingly few drawbacks.  It turns out that many of the old fears about a link between the fat in cow’s milk and heart disease or diabetes are unfounded.  There are some fine alternatives for those who are lactose intolerant, and A2 milk can be the solution for those with GI symptoms.  If cow’s milk isn’t for you, CR offers reviews of six plant based milk alternatives.  Even non-milk drinkers may want to try some of these plant based alternatives after reading the descriptions provided here.

Yard sales are a good way to move unwanted stuff out of the house and make a little extra cash. There are also online reselling sites where sellers can make a great deal more on those unwanted items.  Do you have a valuable item that you don’t know how to price?  Use an Appraisers Association Directory for help with that.  CR highlights eight sites where everything from cars to coffee makers and handbags to hockey sticks can be sold.  Learn how to list items and handle the transaction a buyer is found.  With CRs help you can make a successful online sale.

Other topics in this issue include:

  • “Get the Insurance You Need (at a Great Price)” 

  • “Do You Really Need to Walk 10K Steps a Day?”

  • “Which Brand of Bagged Popcorn Tastes Best?” 

  • “Saving Money on Printers”

  • “Insect Repellents”

Consumer Reports magazine is available free in print and online to Fauquier Public Library card holders, providing access to articles, reviews and ratings on over 8,000 products and services.

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