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10 Ways You Can Raise a Reader

  1. Develop a reading routine with your newborn.

  2. Continue to read with your child even when they become independent readers.

  3. Reread your child’s favorite stories.

  4. Visit the library early and often to check out a variety of books or attend free programs like story times.

  5. Read everyday things like road signs, grocery lists, cereal boxes, instructions, recipes, etc. to your child so they pick up new vocabulary. Mix things up by listening to audio books together.

  6. Set an example by reading your own books, magazines, etc. in front of your child.

  7. Talk positively about reading.

  8. Have rich conversations with your child about what you’re doing; speak in full sentences and use interesting words to boost their vocabulary.

  9. Understand the basics about learning to read.

  10. Talk to your child’s teacher or doctor if you have concerns about your child’s development.



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