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Local Authors

Whenever possible, the Fauquier County Public Library is pleased to recognize the literary efforts of local authors by including their works in the collection.  However, these works must meet selection criteria and standards as detailed in the library’s material selection policy which include professional reviews, author qualifications, and community demand.

The author is encouraged to provide any available professional reviews of the material.  Reader reviews on online sites are not considered as part of the review process. For the purposes of this policy, “local authors” are defined as current residents of or property owners in Fauquier County, Virginia.  In general, the Library does not collect self-published materials from non-Fauquier County residents.

Attempts are made to acquire titles by local authors who are published by mainstream publishers.  Titles that are self-published are not solicited unless there is a compelling reason to do so.  Exceptions may be made for materials by local authors who create community interest by being featured in library or community sponsored programs, as well as those professionally reviewed or publicized via local media.

Unsolicited materials must be accompanied by the Form for Consideration of Donated Works by Local Authors.  The library is not able to purchase unsolicited materials.  If a work is chosen for inclusion in the library’s collection, the library staff is under no obligation to purchase additional copies.

If a donation is added to the collection, the library retains the right to make all decisions as to its use, housing and final disposition.

The library bears no responsibility for marketing the author’s work.  The library will not act as the author’s literary agent, reviewer, proofreader, publisher, editor, publicist or bookseller.

All donated materials are considered gifts and become the property of the Fauquier County Public Library.  If a donation is not selected for the collection, it will be made available to the public, through the Friends of the Fauquier Library Book Cellar.

Adopted: 9/15/16

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